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Welcome to Forwood PTA!
The PTA is an organization of parents and teachers working together to promote the welfare of children. When PTA gets involved, children benefit.
When you get involved with PTA, the child who benefits most is yours.
PTA Officer Contact Information
  • President: Amanda Harper
  • Vice-President: Jenn Miller and Christine Engle
  • Secretary: Alicia Ford
  • Treasurer: Lisa Fusco
Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:45 pm. We encourage you to attend and get to know some of the other parents here at Forwood. Meetings are very informal and we are always happy to welcome new faces and hear fresh ideas. Childcare is always available, light refreshments will be served, and usually we do a small raffle or give-away. 
From fundraisers to family fun nights to all sorts of special events for our children, there are so many things the PTA at Forwood is involved in. This is where we need your help the most. Please check-out the committee and volunteer opportunities page and sign-up for any committees that sound of interest to you.  This is a great way to show your children how important their school is to you too and build relationships with other Forwood parents. Prior year planning information on all committees is available and your PTA board is always available to answer any questions and assist with any concerns.
Stay connected!  
We encourage members to stay active and attend monthly meetings as frequently as your schedule permits. If you miss a meeting, no problem, but be sure to check the website for the monthly minutes and any information you may have missed. 
Follow us on Facebook for updated events and happenings:
Also, if you have a question or concern that is not being address, please do not hesitate to reach-out to us directly at

PTA Forms