Supporting Unique and Diverse Learners
At Forwood we are proud to educate and support all students. We recognize that every student learns differently and offer supports and services to help each child succeed!
Families are encouraged to communicate with their child’s teachers with any concerns or questions regarding their child’s needs. Parents can also contact Elizabeth Johnson, Special Education Coordinator. Click here to contact Ms. Johnson via email.
Students come to Brandywine School District from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. We recognize that our diversity adds to a rich educational landscape. We understand that some of our students come to us with limited English language skills; they may be recent immigrants to the US or from families that speak another language at home. Further, they might be able to speak English fluently with their friends but don’t know how to communicate in English well enough to talk about academic subjects. Currently, BSD serves approximately 510 English Language Learners who speak 53 different languages. For more information click here