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Art Links for Home and School

Met Kids Time Machine

Travel through different time periods and see the art that was being made then!

Art & Design Learning at Home

I would like to make a shout out to the Gomez girls for offering me this link. They aren't in our school district but they thought it would be great to reach out to me. Thank you girls for sharing this resource and enjoy any other resources on this site.

Mrs. Brendlinger's YouTube Channel

Welcome to my virtual classroom by means of my Youtube Channel where you can have a glimpse at what students see and experience in the actual classroom. I use this channel as a library of demonstrations I preform and share with students so they can revist, catch up, or use as a resource for their own pace. My demos provide information on tool use, station media, techniques, and more.  Please enjoy!


Artsonia is a educational database for students, teachers, and parents. 

Art for Kids HUb

The site is the site I use in the classroom to project fun activities during club classes and class rewards. It is a how to draw site. Another direct link which needs a login is:

As a parent, you may notice the first link is a YouTube channel and can access other parts of YouTube if the proper parent controls aren't in place.  May I suggest using, which has parent controls to limit their viewing or logging into the direct site. Students will still be able to access Art for Kids Hub.

The above links connect students to safe art internet sites which students may use in the classroom as well as at home.

I also wanted to thank all the families in district and outside of the district for using my links and providing me with additional resources. Due to our district's policy on opening websites through email, I will not be sharing all the resources provided to me. Please understand this is for the safety of our students here at BSD and for your safety when opening links on my school site. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Mrs. Brendlinger