Forwood News & Announcements
Forwood Foxtales
Weekly Updates
Week of February 10, 2025
We hope you will join us at our February PTA meeting on Tuesday, February 11th at 6:30pm. Our guest speaker will be BSD Superintendent, Dr. Lisa Lawson. Childcare and food provided.
Congratulations to our boys’ basketball team who won in Friday’s playoff game against Carrcroft. Our Forwood boys’ team will play against MPE in their next game on Tuesday at 7:15pm at Brandywine High School. Come out and cheer on our basketball players and cheerleaders. Shoutout to our girls' basketball team for their dedication and growth, consistently improving their skills and teamwork throughout the season!
Our 2nd and 3rd grade musical performance- Gotta Be Jazz is this Thursday at Claymont Elementary. Students should report at 6:45pm to get lined up on stage. Students should wear either their music tie-dye shirts (which will be distributed tomorrow/Monday), a Forwood shirt or bright-colored shirt. There will be a cash-only concession stand ($1 each item) and a 50/50 raffle. All monies raised will go towards Forwood’s music program. If you are willing to contribute to the concession stand, please sign-up with the link below.
We invite all students and staff to wear red and/or pink for Valentine’s Day!
Forwood takes the Kindness Challenge for the month of February: Last Monday, we kicked off our Kindness Challenge. We are challenging our students, staff, and families to perform an act of kindness every day for 30 days.
Week of February 3, 2025
Forwood takes the Kindness Challenge for the month of February: We will kick off our Kindness Challenge this week during our Donuts with Loved Ones event. We are challenging our students, staff and families to perform an act of kindness every day for the next 30 days. We will also start our Friendship Bracelet fundraiser during our breakfast event. All monies raised will be donated to Special Olympics DE.
K-2nd Donuts with Loved Ones from 8-8:40am. Thank you for RSVPing by our deadline so we could finalize our order with accurate numbers.
3rd-5th Donuts with Loved Ones from 8-8:40am. Thank you for RSVPing by our deadline so we could finalize our order with accurate numbers.
Kindness T-shirts: For every Tuesday in the month of February, we invite all students and staff to wear a shirt with a kindness or positive affirmation message.
2nd MP report cards will go home
We look forward to welcoming students from Concord High School who have created adaptive PE equipment for our students to trial to help provide access for all students. For the third year in a row, our students will be testing and providing feedback on a variety of adapted physical education equipment. This equipment was designed by Concord High School engineering students under the direction of CHS teacher- Dr. Estock and supported by our Adaptive PE teacher- Jess Dugan.
Philadelphia Eagles Spirit Day: We invite all students and staff to wear Philadelphia Eagles gear or Eagles colors!
Monthly Fire Drill
EBL 4th/5th grade playoff game at Claymont Elementary (6pm girls/6:45pm boys) Join us to cheer on our girls’ and boys’ basketball team and cheerleaders for the Elementary Basketball League playoff game against Carrcroft Elementary at Claymont Elementary at 6pm (girls) and 6:45pm (boys).
Week of January 27, 2025
- BSD Choir Festival: Our 4th and 5th grade students will participate in the BSD Choir Festival.
- “Donuts with Loved Ones” RSVP due by 6pm: Forwood will be hosting "Donuts with Loved Ones" to kick off our Kindness Challenge for February. We kindly ask all attendees to RSVP using the following link
- Monday, February 3rd from 8-8:40am for Kindergarten through 2nd grade students
- Tuesday, February 4th from 8-8:40am for 3rd-5th grade students (*For families, who have children in both grade bands, please choose one of the dates for the whole family.)
- Winter Carnival (MTSS 2nd MP Behavior Incentive): Forwood Foxes who have demonstrated our MTSS schoolwide expectations during the month of December and January will celebrate during the school day on Thursday, January 30th. What are Forwood’s MTSS schoolwide expectations? Any fox can tell you our expectations are being RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL and SAFE! Students who have no more than two (2) discipline referrals with no suspensions are eligible to participate in the Winter Carnival.
- K/1 Musical: Kindergarten and 1st graders will hold their annual musical at Claymont Elementary School at 7:00 pm. Students should wear a white, brown, or black shirt and black or jeans on the bottom. Cookie costumes will be made at school to be worn during the show! Information about concessions will be sent home via Dojo.
- Winter Sports Spirit Day: We invite all students and staff to wear their favorite winter sports apparel.
Week of January 20, 2025
MLK Day of Service: BSD schools and offices are closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of the federal Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. We encourage our foxes to engage in a day of service activities. Looking for options for students and families? Check out some great indoor and outdoor activities in the greater Wilmington area:
- YMCA MLK Open Houses:
- Wilmington MLK Celebrations & Service
**Delaware Art Museum event has been canceled - Volunteer Delaware MLK Day of Service
**Delaware Art Museum event has been canceled. - Delaware State Parks:
End of 2nd Marking Period
Forwood PTA’s Sneaker Ball 6-7:30pm: Lace up your sneakers and dress to impress to celebrate the season with a winter themed dance party. Donate a new or gently used pair of sneakers or shoes to support our Kids for Cancer shoe drive. Click here for more information.
There is no school for students on Friday. Teachers and staff will be completing professional responsibilities including completing 2nd marking period report cards.
Week of January 13, 2025
Week of January 6, 2025
We hope you have enjoyed your weekend. We will begin our winter testing this week. Students in grades K-5 will participate in our winter NWEA MAP reading and math testing the week of 1/6 and 1/13. Your child’s teacher will share specific dates for their testing.
This NWEA MAP assessment is scheduled three times throughout the school year in order to provide teachers and families with a snapshot of how your student is progressing. Please make sure that your child's Chromebook is powered down each night and is fully charged. Please send individual headphones to school to utilize during the test. (No wireless headphones please).
Please make sure that your Forwood fox gets a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast to be ready to show us what he or she knows and help us continue to plan for learning throughout the year.
Lastly, save the date for Forwood PTA’s January meeting. On Tuesday, January 14th, our Forwood PTA meeting will be held in the cafeteria starting at 6:30pm. Food and childcare will be provided. Our Superintendent, Dr. Lisa Lawson, will be speaking and providing time for Q & A.
Week of December 16th
Week of December 9th
We hope you had a nice weekend. Here is some information for this week ahead:
On Tuesday, December 10th our students and staff will practice the second lockdown drill of the year. As a district, we are required to practice in the event that we need to secure our learning environment. As always, our goal is to ensure the physical and emotional safety of our students. We will utilize a plan that teaches our students how to be safe and prioritizes optimum care for our K-5 students. During the drill we will practice securing the classroom door, staying quiet, and remaining out of sight.
As part of our school safety protocol, we notify you prior to a lockdown drill and encourage you to reassure your child that the drill is an opportunity to practice school safety. We will also communicate the outcome of the drill through a message after the drill. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Golden or Ms. Williams. Thank you for your support!
Friday (December 13th) is a Forwood spirit day and our MTSS Tier 1 assemblies to celebrate our accomplishments in the months of November and December. We encourage all students and staff to wear Forwood spirit wear or blue and white on Friday.
Good luck to our 4th/5th grade basketball players and cheerleaders who will participate in their first basketball game of the season on Saturday, December 14th at Brandywine High School. The girls’ game is at 10:30am and the boys’ game is at 11:15am. All are invited to attend and support our players and cheerleaders. Go Foxes!
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with lost items. Please remind your child(ren) to look through our Lost and Found for any missing items. We will be donating any lost and found items over winter break to make room for the spring.
BSD will be holding it’s First District-Wide Middle School Visitation Day on Sunday, December 15, 2024, from 1pm-3pm. PS, Springer, and Talley will be open for families and the community to explore the schools. This event is similar to our annual High School Visitation Day. Please visit for more information.
Week of December 2nd
Welcome back, Forwood families!
We hope you had a restful and enjoyable holiday and break. Friendly reminder to set your alarms for tomorrow morning as we get back into our school routines.
We hope you will join us for an evening of winter wonder at our Winter Reading Night this Thursday evening (December 5th) from 6-7:30pm. Wear your pajamas and get ready for snow much fun! We’ll have pizza and hot chocolate, winter stories, crafts, bingo, and more. Please RSVP using this form so we have enough food and materials.
Have a great week Forwood foxes!
Week of November 18th
Week of November 11th
Week of November 4th
Dear Forwood families,
Thank you to all of our families for joining us for our Halloween Parade last Thursday afternoon. Fun was had by all! We hope everyone is adjusting to the time change today.
Here are some important reminders for this school week ahead:
5th Grade Field Tirip to Hagley
4th grade DESSA SS Test (Rulon/Asdourian)
Girls on the Run Practice 5K 3:45pm
5th Grade Chorus Performance at Forwood Manor
4th grade DESSA SS Test (Goodnow)
End of 1st marking period
Week of October 28th
Week of October 21st
We encourage all students and staff to wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness.
There is no school for students as we will be hosting our Fall Parent/Teacher Conference Days. If you have not scheduled a conference time for your child, please reach out to your child’s teacher.
Forwood Door Decorating: We are looking for parent/family volunteers to help us decorate doors/areas in our building to support our positive school climate and culture. This was a huge success last school year and we want to continue this activity. Some materials can be prepared outside of school before decorating. We will have supplies located in the cafeteria. Door decorating will occur all day on Thursday, October 24th. Please sign up below if you are willing to help decorate. Any questions, please reach out to Sign-up
Learn about the schools and programs in BSD.
Speak with program coordinators and educators.
Get detailed information on how to navigate the school choice process.
Week of October 14th
Good afternoon, Forwood families,
What a wonderful week last week at Forwood Elementary. Thank you to all of our families who came out to our annual Fall Festival. It was a great night of games, music, food, and fun.
For the week ahead, we will be celebrating National School Lunch week in our cafeteria. We are fortunate to have the best nutrition crew around.
This Friday, October 18th we will have our first MTSS assembly and spirit day. During our assemblies, we will recognize class paw prints earned and Related Arts class trophies awarded for September/October. We will recognize our Forwood leaders for displaying our Forwood expectations of being responsible, respectful, and safe. We invite all staff and students to wear Forwood spirit wear or blue and white for our spirit day on Friday.
Don’t forget our first PTA Trunk-or-Treat is this Friday evening (October 18th) from 5:30-7pm. Use the link below to register if you are interested in hosting a trunk and/or tell us if you plan to attend and how many children will be trick-or-treating! Thank you to families who have donated candy for our Trunk-or-Treat. Candy donations can be dropped off until Thursday, October 17th.!/showSignUp/409094CA5AA2FA4F94-51832881-forwood
Looking ahead:
Week of October 7th
Dear Forwood families,
We hope you have been enjoying this beautiful fall weather this weekend! Here are some important reminders for this school week ahead:
We will have a Phillies Spirit Day to support our Philadelphia Phillies on Tuesday (October 8th). Students and staff are invited to wear Phillies spirt wear or red, blue, and white.
Thursday, October 10th is Forwood’s Picture Day. All Forwood students will be photographed by Barksdale. You may order pictures using the paper order form that came home with your child or pre-order pictures at the link below and use the access code 11640IN. All payments should be made payable to Barksdale Photography. (Picture retakes wil be on November 21st)
We hope you will join us for Forwood’s Annual Fall Festival this Thursday, October 10th from 5-7pm. A set price of $5.00 per child will gain a wristband that will allow the student to participate in many fun activities. Adults and children 4 and under are free. All pre-order forms for wristbands are due by tomorrow, Monday, October 7th. Wristbands can be purchased at the Festival on Thursday evening.
The Fall Festival provides a lot of entertainment and fun with games, music, and activities. Food and bake goods will be available for purchase for the whole family.
Looking ahead…
PTA Trunk or Treat: Friday, October 18th
Parent and Teacher Conferences/No School: October 24th and 25th
Halloween Parade: Thursday, October 31st 1:00pm
Have a great evening and we will see you in the morning!
Week of September 30th
Good afternoon, Forwood families and hello October this week!
A huge thank you to all of our families for attending our Open House last week. Collaboration and communication is key to the success of your child. We appreciate your support!
PTA Fall Book Fair (September 30th-October 4th): We are thrilled to be hosting our Fall Book Fair this week. Fliers were sent home with your child’s shopping schedule and a preview of available books.
The Forwood PTA invites you to join them for their annual tie-dye event tomorrow, Monday, September 30th at 6pm! Dye a Forwood t-shirt for $12 or bring your own item to dye for $5. You can also shop our Scholastic Book Fair from 6-7pm!
Forwood PTA Fall 2024 Book Fair Schedule |
Monday, September 30th |
Wednesday, October 2nd |
Friday, October 4th |
9:15-10am |
Rulon |
Goodnow/Bass |
Asdourian |
10:05-10:50am |
Osbourn/Coffin |
Clay/Coffin |
Foster/Coffin |
11-11:45am |
Haley/Coffin |
Reilly/Coffin |
Camp/Coffin |
1-1:45pm |
O'Hanlon |
Regenauer/Shenkle |
Harper/Mosel |
1:50-2:35pm |
Michacelwiz/Shenkle |
Johnson |
Casper |
2:40-3:25pm |
Jording/Bass |
Ziegler |
Conte |
6-7pm |
PTA Tie Dye Event |
A reminder that there is no school Thursday, October 3rd. We wish a Happy Rosh Hashanah to those who celebrate.
Looking ahead…
Fall Festival (Thursday, October 10th): We hope you will join us for Forwood’s Annual Fall Festival Thursday, October 10th from 5-7pm. A set price of $5.00 per child will gain a wristband that will allow the student to participate in many fun activities. Adults and children 4 and under are free. All pre-order forms for wristbands are due by Monday, October 7th. Wristbands can be purchased at the Festival that evening.
The Fall Festival provides a lot of entertainment and fun with games, music, and activities. Food and bake goods will be available for purchase for the whole family.
Have a wonderful Sunday and we will see you in the morning!
Week of September 23rd
Dear Forwood families,
Happy 1st day of fall!
On Wednesday (September 25th) our students and staff will practice the first lockdown drill of the year. As a district, we are required to practice in the event that we need to secure our learning environment. As always, our goal is to ensure the physical and emotional safety of our students. We will utilize a plan that teaches our students how to be safe and prioritizes optimum care for our K-5 students. During the drill we will practice securing the classroom door, staying quiet, and remaining out of sight.
As part of our school safety protocol, we notify families prior to a lockdown drill and encourage you to reassure your child the day’s drill is an opportunity to practice school safety. We will also communicate the outcome of the drill in a follow up communication. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Golden or Ms. Williams.
This Thursday evening (September 26th) at 6pm we look forward to welcoming our parents and guardians to Forwood’s Open House for all grades, Kindergarten through 5th grade. There will be two sessions so families who have multiple students in the building can attend different classroom presentations. Open House will begin at 6pm in your child’s classroom. At 6:30pm, parents and guardians who have more than one child will have the opportunity to visit another classroom for another child. In addition, we invite parents and guardians to visit the lobby area to meet our Related Arts teachers, nurses, school counselor, support staff, and a few community organizations.
September 22nd-27th marks the City of Wilmington’s annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Week. Our students are encouraged to dream big and wear any college t-shirt or jersey on Wednesday, September 25th to encourage all to be prepared for college readiness. It’s never too early to prepare!
Looking ahead, next week will be our fall PTA book fair. Students brought home a flier with the schedule. In addition, Thursday, October 10th from 5-7pm will be our annual Fall Festival. The Fall Festival is hosted by the Forwood staff and has been a traditional fun school event. Click here for the fliers to preorder tickets. (Fliers also came home in Friday Folders.)
Save the Dates
PTA Fall Book Fair: September 30th- October 4th
PTA Tie Dye Night: Tuesday, October 1st
No School/Rosh Hashanah: Thursday, October 3rd
Picture Day: Thursday, October 10th
Fall Festival: Thursday, October 10th 5-7pm
PTA Trunk or Treat: Friday, October 18th
Parent and Teacher Conferences/No School: October 24th and 25th
Halloween Parade: Thursday, October 31st 1:10pm
Week of September 16th
Dear Forwood families,
We hope you are having an enjoyable weekend. We join with our district and others in celebrating Hispanic Heritage month! We recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures and extensive histories of the Hispanic and Latin communities.
Don’t forget to ask your child about his/her Fox Cash points. All of our students have been working hard at meeting our Forwood expectations of being responsible, respectful and safe. Students earn Fox Cash points for exhibiting these behaviors.
For our 4th and 5th grade students, there is one more day for students to join band, orchestra, and/or chorus. Music education brings joy while increasing memory skills, improves social skills, and develops creativity. If you are interested in signing your child up for band, orchestra, or chorus and have not already, please use the following link to sign him/her up by Monday, September 16th.
Sign Up for Band, Orchestra, or Chorus Here
We hope you will join us for our first PTA meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 17th at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. Some highlights of the meeting will include reviewing the budget for the upcoming school year, previewing upcoming school events, and MTSS/Equity Presentations by some of our Forwood faculty. If you have not yet joined the PTA, online memberships are still being accepted; there will also be opportunities to sign up on Tuesday at the meeting. We look forward to welcoming established PTA members along with new faces.
Kindergarten Dental Screening will occur on Wednesday, September 18th.
Save the Dates
Forwood’s Open House K-5: Thursday, September 26th 6-7pm
PTA Fall Book Fair: September 30th- October 4th
PTA Tye Dye Night: Tuesday, October 1st
No School/Rosh Hashanah: Thursday, October 3rd
Picture Day: Thursday, October 10th
Fall Festival: Thursday, October 10th 5-7pm
PTA Trunk or Treat: Friday, October 18th
Parent and Teacher Conferences/No School: October 24th and 25th
Halloween Parade: Thursday, October 31st 1:10pm
Week of September 9th
Good afternoon, Forwood families,
Happy Grandparents Day and Happy NFL Sunday kickoff day! We are thankful for the grandparents and special people in our children’s lives. We celebrate the important contribution made by grandparents and grandfriends to the wellbeing and education of all of our children.
Here are a few items for this coming school week:
Monday, September 9th
- Fall MAP Testing
- We will conduct our first fire drill (rescheduled from last week).
- Forwood PTA’s Family Fun Night 6-8pm
- Our PTA is hosting a family school spirit night at Oasis Family Fun Center from 6-8pm. Join Forwood families for a night out. Admission is $15 per child, with proceeds going to Forwood PTA. Oasis will only be open to Forwood families and friends. Your admission includes access to all games and activities. The PTA will also be holding a 50/50 raffle.
Tuesday, September 10th
- No School- State Election Day
Wednesday, September 11th
- We will recognize Patriots Day and invite students and staff to wear red, white, and blue.
- Fall MAP Testing
Save the date: Forwood’s Open House for all grades is Thursday, September 26th from 6-7pm.
With the start of football season, we are looking for any parent volunteers to lead a Flag Football club after school for our 4th and 5th grade students. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to our main office at 302-475-3956.
We look forward to a great week ahead! Have a great evening and we will see you in the morning.
Week of September 3, 2024
Good morning, Forwood families,
We hope you are enjoying the long weekend. We are looking forward to a fabulous 2nd week of school.
Our Forwood students will begin NWEA MAP Testing this upcoming week. This assessment is scheduled three times throughout the school year in order to provide teachers and families with a snapshot of how your child is progressing. Please make sure your child has wired headphones. If your child is in 3rd-5th grade, please make sure your child’s Chromebook is fully charged each night. We ask that families make sure your child(ren) gets a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast. Your child’s teacher will share specific dates for testing.
MAP Reading - Gr. K, 1, 2, 4, 5 - Thursday 9/5 or Friday 9/6
MAP Math - Gr. 3 - Thursday 9/5 or Friday 9/6
MAP Math - Gr. K, 1, 2, 4, 5 - Monday 9/9 or Wednesday 9/11
MAP Reading - Gr. 3 - Monday 9/9 or Wednesday 9/11
On Thursday morning, our teachers will review with students our fire drill procedures and expectations as we will conduct our first fire drill on Thursday.
We hope you have a relaxing Labor Day and will see you Tuesday morning!
August 28, 2024
Dear Forwood Families,
Today was a fabulous day at Forwood Elementary School. Our students have exceeded our expectations. Students have been safe, responsible, respectful, and engaged learners. As we begin a new school year, we ask for your patience and understanding as students familiarize themselves with arrival and dismissal procedures. While we understand that the first few weeks of the new school year can be hectic, the safety and wellbeing of all students remains our top priority.
The school car line and bus routes may experience some delays as everyone adjusts to the new routines. Please drive slowly throughout the neighborhood and especially while you are driving down Westminster Drive and through Forwood parking lots. All parents/guardians must stay in their vehicle. Please make sure your car rider tag number is posted for staff members to see in the line (for dismissal only). Students must exit or enter their vehicle from the passenger side. These procedures are in place for the safety of our students. Please share this information with other family members who may be dropping off and/or picking up your child.
In addition, please be prepared to show your driver’s license or photo identification in our main office if you are picking up your child for an early dismissal.
With your support and cooperation, we are confident that our school arrival and departure routines will be safe and efficient.
Thank you for your continued support!
Diana Golden, Forwood's Proud Principal
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From creative sparks flying in our classrooms to epic intra-district matchups and incredible performances on stage - our students are shining bright every day in the Brandywine School District!
From pep rallies to fight songs, the Brandywine School District is soaring high with Eagles pride!
Cherished annual tradition fills the Mount Pleasant High School auditorium with stunning performances and a shared love of music
Meet Noelle Hinderhofer-Markle, School Nutrition Manager at Talley Middle School and recent recipient of the Outstanding School Nutrition Leader Award for Fall 2024.
A night full of love and pride for a special group of individuals who go above and beyond to support our students and schools.
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)
As the district's dedicated mail carrier, Howard Laws does far more than deliver mail. His work with our SITE program is empowering young adults with special needs to take big steps toward independence.
Forwood Elementary 5th grader who splits his day at the DE School for the Deaf earns state recognition for creating a bilingual approach to his written essay